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Grilled Chiken with Coconout Milk Sauce (Ayam Bakar Bumbu Areh)

Written By Paul on Thursday, December 3, 2015 | 10:08 PM

Ingredients of Grilled Chiken with Coconout Milk Sauce :

Chicken (Ayam) 1 kg
Coconut milk (Santan) 400 ml
lemongrass (Serai) 2 stalk 
Bay leaf (Daun Salam) 2 sheet
Lime leaf (Daun Jeruk) 2 sheet
Brown sugar (Gula Merah) for seasoning
Galangal (Lengkuas) 1 cm

Ingredients for Seasoning  :

Shallot (Bawang Merah) 8 pcs
Garlic (Bawang Putih) 5 pcs
Cumin (Jinten) 1/2 tsp
Candlenut (Kemiri) 5 pcs
Coriander (Ketumbar) 1 tbsp
Pepper Powder (Bubuk Merica) for seasoning
Salt (Garam) for seasoning

How to make :
- Wash the chicken and cut into pieces
Finely pounded all ingredients for seasoning
- Stir-fry the spice paste until fragrant and then add some water
- Boiled the chicken into the pan, add the lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves, galangal, brown sugar and coconut milk. Then season with salt & pepper
- Let stand until the spices to infuse and cooked
- Grilled chicken that has been boiled

About Paul


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